Forward and Reverse Proxy

Couple of days back I got stumble upon concept of  proxy and reverse proxy. So I thought why not to dig down and little bit and get some more info.

For understanding the reverse proxy lets first understand the concept of proxy.

What are Proxy Servers ?

So is plain English proxy means “The Authority to represent someone else

Now let’s understand how this works in the digital world.

Proxy Server : A proxy server acts as a gateway between you and the internet. It’s an intermediary server separating end users from the websites they browse.

Proxy Servers

So basically If we want it simplify it, In proxy the server doesn’t know which client it is connecting from.

There are variety of services provided by proxy servers.

Benefits of forward proxy

What is Revere Proxy ?

In reverse proxy the client doesn’t know which server it is connecting to.

Reverse proxy acts on behalf of the server, while a proxy acts for the client.

Credits : CloudFlare

So in reverse proxy client doesn’t know which server he is connecting, he will connect with proxy server which in turn forward that request to respective service based on availability and capacity.

Once that server process that request it will return the response to reverse proxy and reverse proxy will return it to client

Here the privacy and security of server is achieved. Following are the services provided by reverse proxy services.

Reverse Proxy Benefits

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